Friday, April 27, 2007


Today I am grateful for Friday. End of the work week. Beginning of the weekend. And from what Loverboy tells me, "Everybody's working for the weekend."

I hear it is going to be a nice weekend. Good for working in the yard. I have come to value my yard and the impression it gives. I look at some houses and they don't look as nice with a crappy yard. Now, I don't have the money to spend on ChemLawn, but I keep it nice and mostly weed free. Doesn't the word ChemLawn sound a little off to anyone. I don't think the word Chemicals goes well with lawn. Sounds like an oxymoron. It's like saying "Buy our Organic Mosquito repellent (Now with DEET!!)."

I am grateful for surprises. Even the little ones. Nicole mentioned she wanted pizza, so I spring into action. Fake a close call with a car to get off the phone. Call pizza place and make order. Extra Bonus: Get movies for night in. Pick up pizza. Call and say I'm running late because of that darn-tootin' traffic. Viola. Dinner, Movie, and Surprises.

You know what I have determined, the secret of happiness is not the big things, it's all the little things. Looking at the world as a child and enjoying the beauty. Being a kid at heart and having fun. Next time you go into a store with automatic doors, say something like "Open Sesame!" and pretend you are making the doors move. Or when walking, pick it up into a skip and watch the faces on others. Play perdiddle.

Have fun.

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