Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

Greetings Y'all. Back at work today and I am grateful for that. I don't know what I would do without work. I would honestly be the person winning the lottery and still working. Maybe not a paying job, but still definitely working. The unfortunate realization is that you have to buy lottery tickets to win the lottery. Not much chance in finding the winning ticket.

I am grateful for the doctors and nurses at Nicole's OB. They are really nice, careful, and thorough. It is reassuring. We started going weekly this week and starting next week we will be having weekly BPPs (Bio-Physical Profiles) of Sarah. This is where they watch her for a half hour on the ultrasound and grade her by her movements. Pretty cool stuff.

Finished class today. Yeahhh!. I love teaching but it is nice when it is over.

No more classes. No more books. No more teachers dirty looks.

I really don't give dirty looks. Have you ever seen a Computer Information Technology classroom? Not really the cream of the crop if you know what I mean. Some would burst into flames if you took them outside in the sun. Vampires are looking at them and saying "Damn! Get some sun dude." Now, Nicole's nursing classroom, that's where I would give the dirty looks. Meow, baby.

Have you ever scared somebody really good? I mean to the point where they jump back, practically have a heart attack, and then get a mad at you for scaring them? This is something to cherish. I did this the other day with Nicole. However, she was trying to scare me, which is the ironic part. I am taking a shower, and I hear her sneaking up on me, which is not happening very well, so I watch. She sneaks up to the curtain and as she starts to fling open the curtain, I get the drop and do it first and scare the be-jesus (spelling?) out of her. Her voice starts as this low roar in the attempt to scare me and quickly changes to a howling screech as she is the startled one. This, I have determined, is the best time to scare someone. When they are trying to scare you.


1 comment:

michelle said...

you got the seal laugh