Monday, April 9, 2007

Just another Manic Monday

Wish it was Sunday. That's my fun day. I don't have to run day. Just another Manic Monday.

Bangles Rock.

Today I am grateful for my job. I receive calls all day for help resolving their problems. I am grateful that I am able to help, but mostly that I have come to a realization that they are not my problems. That realization has significantly reduced my stress level.

I am also grateful for the courtesy most people still show and that I try to show everyday. It's the little things like holding a door open, allowing someone to merge, and smiling at each other. If we all did little things for each other... Oh the big things we can accomplish.

Joyful anticipation of going to the comedy club tomorrow night. Not to perform, but to see others and sign up to realize a dream of mine for some time.

Did you ever notice car commercials talk about their used cars being a fraction of the cost of their new cars. Isn't everything a fraction. Whether it is 1/2 off or 5/4 the price (that would be more expensive for you non-math people). It's like saying there is a fraction of a chance the sun will rise tomorrow. Well duh.

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