Today I am grateful for anticipation. Tomorrow I will try out to be on Deal or No Deal. Wish me luck. I think I would be a good contestant.
I'm good enough.
I'm smart enough.
And dog gone it, people like me.
Thanks Stuart Smalley. Everyone could learn a little from you.
It's late so this one is brief. Have a good night and join me tomorrow when the Favorites will change from movies to songs for the month of May.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Takin' it Easy
Today I am grateful for doing nothing. I am also grateful for not feeling guilty about it. I could have done yard work. I could have done some chores. Sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses and today was that day.
It was a beautiful day. The sun, the wind, the temperature, it was perfect.
I am also grateful for my alone time. Nicole ran some errands and I was alone for three hours. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my wife and cherish our time together, but time alone is nice just to be me.
Something I have noticed about the differences between men and women. Typically men are more competitive. Now, Shelly, I said "typically". This is especially true between me and Nicole. Nicole normally doesn't give a rats ass about winning. It is about spending time together and enjoying each other's company. Not me, man. Everything is a competition. Who will wake up first and take the dog out? Can I shower in the time it takes Nicole to blow dry her hair? Can I get ready for bed, before she does? Everything is a competition. You wanna know what else? I win almost all the time. You wanna know something else? I don't tell her. It makes it easier to win.
It was a beautiful day. The sun, the wind, the temperature, it was perfect.
I am also grateful for my alone time. Nicole ran some errands and I was alone for three hours. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my wife and cherish our time together, but time alone is nice just to be me.
Something I have noticed about the differences between men and women. Typically men are more competitive. Now, Shelly, I said "typically". This is especially true between me and Nicole. Nicole normally doesn't give a rats ass about winning. It is about spending time together and enjoying each other's company. Not me, man. Everything is a competition. Who will wake up first and take the dog out? Can I shower in the time it takes Nicole to blow dry her hair? Can I get ready for bed, before she does? Everything is a competition. You wanna know what else? I win almost all the time. You wanna know something else? I don't tell her. It makes it easier to win.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Saturday Night's Alright for Fightin'
Today I am grateful for tradition. I saw the new James Bond movie tonight and it was surprisingly good. You can always count on James to get the bad guy and the girl all the while, he's kicking butt.
I am also grateful for patience. Twice today, I experienced both side of the patience coin. First an elderly man at Lowe's dropped his purchase. The bagged had ripped and the few things he purchased were strewn into the parking lot. Up pulls a man trying to leave and impatiently nudges up on him as he is trying to pick up his items. My hands are full and Nicole helps him. The man has his belongings and gets out of the way of the truck and the truck screams off.
The other time, we were at Wal-Mart and an elderly woman in a motorized cart asked me about fertilizer for her shrubs. I was going to say bush but that sounded dirty. Instead of blowing her off, I helped the lady find the product she needed and the explanation she wanted. It took an extra couple of minutes, but it felt good.
All we need is just a little patience. Guns N Roses. Good band. Broken up. Very sad. (That's for you Nicole).
One of my mottos is "Happy wife, happy life". To this point I will apologize for anything. All Nicole has to do is look at me and the first words out of my mouth is "I'm sorry." I have no idea what I've done, but I've done something. If I burp, I apologize. If I fart, I apologize. If I hear a strange noise outside that sounds remotely close to a burp or fart, I apologize. Even when I scared her after her trying to scare me, I apologized. But she likes me this way, she needs me this way. My apologies have saved her embarrassment too. A while back, we are getting out of the car and Nicole burps. Not a quaint burp, but a burp like the one's from Revenge of the Nerds. Normally this would not be so bad, but there is a gentleman in the parking lot. Quickly I spring into action and apologize for her burp. She says nothing, but I know she is relieved. This is a wonderful part of our relationship and I love her for it. She keeps me in check (which I need), and I keep her out of embarrassment (mostly).
I am also grateful for patience. Twice today, I experienced both side of the patience coin. First an elderly man at Lowe's dropped his purchase. The bagged had ripped and the few things he purchased were strewn into the parking lot. Up pulls a man trying to leave and impatiently nudges up on him as he is trying to pick up his items. My hands are full and Nicole helps him. The man has his belongings and gets out of the way of the truck and the truck screams off.
The other time, we were at Wal-Mart and an elderly woman in a motorized cart asked me about fertilizer for her shrubs. I was going to say bush but that sounded dirty. Instead of blowing her off, I helped the lady find the product she needed and the explanation she wanted. It took an extra couple of minutes, but it felt good.
All we need is just a little patience. Guns N Roses. Good band. Broken up. Very sad. (That's for you Nicole).
One of my mottos is "Happy wife, happy life". To this point I will apologize for anything. All Nicole has to do is look at me and the first words out of my mouth is "I'm sorry." I have no idea what I've done, but I've done something. If I burp, I apologize. If I fart, I apologize. If I hear a strange noise outside that sounds remotely close to a burp or fart, I apologize. Even when I scared her after her trying to scare me, I apologized. But she likes me this way, she needs me this way. My apologies have saved her embarrassment too. A while back, we are getting out of the car and Nicole burps. Not a quaint burp, but a burp like the one's from Revenge of the Nerds. Normally this would not be so bad, but there is a gentleman in the parking lot. Quickly I spring into action and apologize for her burp. She says nothing, but I know she is relieved. This is a wonderful part of our relationship and I love her for it. She keeps me in check (which I need), and I keep her out of embarrassment (mostly).
Friday, April 27, 2007
Today I am grateful for Friday. End of the work week. Beginning of the weekend. And from what Loverboy tells me, "Everybody's working for the weekend."
I hear it is going to be a nice weekend. Good for working in the yard. I have come to value my yard and the impression it gives. I look at some houses and they don't look as nice with a crappy yard. Now, I don't have the money to spend on ChemLawn, but I keep it nice and mostly weed free. Doesn't the word ChemLawn sound a little off to anyone. I don't think the word Chemicals goes well with lawn. Sounds like an oxymoron. It's like saying "Buy our Organic Mosquito repellent (Now with DEET!!)."
I am grateful for surprises. Even the little ones. Nicole mentioned she wanted pizza, so I spring into action. Fake a close call with a car to get off the phone. Call pizza place and make order. Extra Bonus: Get movies for night in. Pick up pizza. Call and say I'm running late because of that darn-tootin' traffic. Viola. Dinner, Movie, and Surprises.
You know what I have determined, the secret of happiness is not the big things, it's all the little things. Looking at the world as a child and enjoying the beauty. Being a kid at heart and having fun. Next time you go into a store with automatic doors, say something like "Open Sesame!" and pretend you are making the doors move. Or when walking, pick it up into a skip and watch the faces on others. Play perdiddle.
Have fun.
I hear it is going to be a nice weekend. Good for working in the yard. I have come to value my yard and the impression it gives. I look at some houses and they don't look as nice with a crappy yard. Now, I don't have the money to spend on ChemLawn, but I keep it nice and mostly weed free. Doesn't the word ChemLawn sound a little off to anyone. I don't think the word Chemicals goes well with lawn. Sounds like an oxymoron. It's like saying "Buy our Organic Mosquito repellent (Now with DEET!!)."
I am grateful for surprises. Even the little ones. Nicole mentioned she wanted pizza, so I spring into action. Fake a close call with a car to get off the phone. Call pizza place and make order. Extra Bonus: Get movies for night in. Pick up pizza. Call and say I'm running late because of that darn-tootin' traffic. Viola. Dinner, Movie, and Surprises.
You know what I have determined, the secret of happiness is not the big things, it's all the little things. Looking at the world as a child and enjoying the beauty. Being a kid at heart and having fun. Next time you go into a store with automatic doors, say something like "Open Sesame!" and pretend you are making the doors move. Or when walking, pick it up into a skip and watch the faces on others. Play perdiddle.
Have fun.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Back in the Saddle Again
Greetings Y'all. Back at work today and I am grateful for that. I don't know what I would do without work. I would honestly be the person winning the lottery and still working. Maybe not a paying job, but still definitely working. The unfortunate realization is that you have to buy lottery tickets to win the lottery. Not much chance in finding the winning ticket.
I am grateful for the doctors and nurses at Nicole's OB. They are really nice, careful, and thorough. It is reassuring. We started going weekly this week and starting next week we will be having weekly BPPs (Bio-Physical Profiles) of Sarah. This is where they watch her for a half hour on the ultrasound and grade her by her movements. Pretty cool stuff.
Finished class today. Yeahhh!. I love teaching but it is nice when it is over.
No more classes. No more books. No more teachers dirty looks.
I really don't give dirty looks. Have you ever seen a Computer Information Technology classroom? Not really the cream of the crop if you know what I mean. Some would burst into flames if you took them outside in the sun. Vampires are looking at them and saying "Damn! Get some sun dude." Now, Nicole's nursing classroom, that's where I would give the dirty looks. Meow, baby.
Have you ever scared somebody really good? I mean to the point where they jump back, practically have a heart attack, and then get a mad at you for scaring them? This is something to cherish. I did this the other day with Nicole. However, she was trying to scare me, which is the ironic part. I am taking a shower, and I hear her sneaking up on me, which is not happening very well, so I watch. She sneaks up to the curtain and as she starts to fling open the curtain, I get the drop and do it first and scare the be-jesus (spelling?) out of her. Her voice starts as this low roar in the attempt to scare me and quickly changes to a howling screech as she is the startled one. This, I have determined, is the best time to scare someone. When they are trying to scare you.
I am grateful for the doctors and nurses at Nicole's OB. They are really nice, careful, and thorough. It is reassuring. We started going weekly this week and starting next week we will be having weekly BPPs (Bio-Physical Profiles) of Sarah. This is where they watch her for a half hour on the ultrasound and grade her by her movements. Pretty cool stuff.
Finished class today. Yeahhh!. I love teaching but it is nice when it is over.
No more classes. No more books. No more teachers dirty looks.
I really don't give dirty looks. Have you ever seen a Computer Information Technology classroom? Not really the cream of the crop if you know what I mean. Some would burst into flames if you took them outside in the sun. Vampires are looking at them and saying "Damn! Get some sun dude." Now, Nicole's nursing classroom, that's where I would give the dirty looks. Meow, baby.
Have you ever scared somebody really good? I mean to the point where they jump back, practically have a heart attack, and then get a mad at you for scaring them? This is something to cherish. I did this the other day with Nicole. However, she was trying to scare me, which is the ironic part. I am taking a shower, and I hear her sneaking up on me, which is not happening very well, so I watch. She sneaks up to the curtain and as she starts to fling open the curtain, I get the drop and do it first and scare the be-jesus (spelling?) out of her. Her voice starts as this low roar in the attempt to scare me and quickly changes to a howling screech as she is the startled one. This, I have determined, is the best time to scare someone. When they are trying to scare you.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
We Remember Them
Today I am grateful for our friends and family. Tomorrow is a very special day. It is Katie's birthday. Though she is not here, her remembrance is what we find to be so special. Receiving cards today from friends to say they are thinking of us and especially her.
Family for being with us tomorrow. We are going to lunch with our Mothers, my brother, and my sister. For them wanting to spend time with us on her day and that they remember.
If there is anything that I have learned from this experience is that there is nothing anyone can say or do to make it better so don't. All you can do is listen and be there. When people try to explain or console they typically screw it up even though they have the best of intentions.
The best remark/gesture that I received from anyone was "That Sucks! I am sorry." and he hugged me.
That was perfect.
Below is a poem from our support group that I would like to share.
In the rising of the sun and in its going down,
Family for being with us tomorrow. We are going to lunch with our Mothers, my brother, and my sister. For them wanting to spend time with us on her day and that they remember.
If there is anything that I have learned from this experience is that there is nothing anyone can say or do to make it better so don't. All you can do is listen and be there. When people try to explain or console they typically screw it up even though they have the best of intentions.
The best remark/gesture that I received from anyone was "That Sucks! I am sorry." and he hugged me.
That was perfect.
Below is a poem from our support group that I would like to share.
In the rising of the sun and in its going down,
We remember them.
In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,
We remember them.
In the opening of buds and in the warmth of summer,
We remember them.
In the rustling of leaves and the beauty of autumn,
We remember them.
In the beginning of the year and when it ends,
We remember them.
When we are weary and in need of strength,
We remember them.
When we are lost and sick at heart,
We remember them.
When we have joys we yearn to share,
We remember them.
So long as we live, they too shall live,
for they are now a part of us, as
We remember them.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Monday Madness
Actually the opposite.
Today I am grateful for an easy day at work. I don't get too many of these so I cherish them when they arrive. I appreciate that we are busy as it gives me a feeling of job security (justified or not) and that is a good thing.
I am again grateful for such a beautiful day. I got all my chores done yesterday so I could enjoy the wind and the warmth and the sun peaking out every once in a while.
I am also grateful for my large bathtub. Yesterday and today, Nicole and I had to use the little bathroom as I re-caulked the tub. It is true what they say... You don't know what you got until it's gone. Thanks Cinderella.
Speaking of bathrooms, did you ever have a poo that just makes your day? I don't want to be gross here, but I had one a couple of days ago and I can't get it out of my mind. It's not like I had cramps and ran to the bathroom, it was like a good idea. "Hey, I could go to the bathroom now." You sit down and there it is. No straining. No wondering "Am I done yet?" Just quick and to the point. Then the clean-up is a snap. No continual clean-up wondering "My God, when will I get it all?"
All in all, just a good poo. I am grateful for it and it made my day.
Today I am grateful for an easy day at work. I don't get too many of these so I cherish them when they arrive. I appreciate that we are busy as it gives me a feeling of job security (justified or not) and that is a good thing.
I am again grateful for such a beautiful day. I got all my chores done yesterday so I could enjoy the wind and the warmth and the sun peaking out every once in a while.
I am also grateful for my large bathtub. Yesterday and today, Nicole and I had to use the little bathroom as I re-caulked the tub. It is true what they say... You don't know what you got until it's gone. Thanks Cinderella.
Speaking of bathrooms, did you ever have a poo that just makes your day? I don't want to be gross here, but I had one a couple of days ago and I can't get it out of my mind. It's not like I had cramps and ran to the bathroom, it was like a good idea. "Hey, I could go to the bathroom now." You sit down and there it is. No straining. No wondering "Am I done yet?" Just quick and to the point. Then the clean-up is a snap. No continual clean-up wondering "My God, when will I get it all?"
All in all, just a good poo. I am grateful for it and it made my day.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
It was a bloody sunday as I was working around the house and scraped my knuckles. No deeper meaning here.
Today I am grateful for being productive. Did I have to do anything around the house? No, but I did much yardwork and re-caulked the tub. I felt like I accomplished something other than a lot of TV watching. It felt good, and I am tired.
I am grateful for my brother Tim again today. He has a wonderful heart and a love for animals. Today, he found a dog wandering the streets. Instead of doing what most people would have which is simply a comment about the poor dog at most, he stopped and picked up the dog. Now he is going to take care of the dog until he can find his owner or a good home.
We all want to do more for others, it warms the heart when we actually do more for others. And that includes animals.
I was thinking today about Golf. I was thinking today about sex. I was amazed how similar the two are. Here is a partial list that I have come up with comparing the two.
1. You think your pretty good at it until you see a professional do it and then realize how much you suck at it.
2. Practicing is not as much fun as the real thing.
3. You are trying to get it in the hole.
4. You like your equipment, but other people have nicer equipment than you do.
5. The flexibility in the shaft can really help you or hurt you.
7. It is a lot easier with spiked shoes as you get better traction.
8. Your balls look nicer after they have been washed.
9. If you put it in the rough, that is probably not where you want to be.
10. It is nicer to play where the turf has been well taken care of.
Today I am grateful for being productive. Did I have to do anything around the house? No, but I did much yardwork and re-caulked the tub. I felt like I accomplished something other than a lot of TV watching. It felt good, and I am tired.
I am grateful for my brother Tim again today. He has a wonderful heart and a love for animals. Today, he found a dog wandering the streets. Instead of doing what most people would have which is simply a comment about the poor dog at most, he stopped and picked up the dog. Now he is going to take care of the dog until he can find his owner or a good home.
We all want to do more for others, it warms the heart when we actually do more for others. And that includes animals.
I was thinking today about Golf. I was thinking today about sex. I was amazed how similar the two are. Here is a partial list that I have come up with comparing the two.
1. You think your pretty good at it until you see a professional do it and then realize how much you suck at it.
2. Practicing is not as much fun as the real thing.
3. You are trying to get it in the hole.
4. You like your equipment, but other people have nicer equipment than you do.
5. The flexibility in the shaft can really help you or hurt you.
7. It is a lot easier with spiked shoes as you get better traction.
8. Your balls look nicer after they have been washed.
9. If you put it in the rough, that is probably not where you want to be.
10. It is nicer to play where the turf has been well taken care of.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Freaky Friday
Today I am grateful for the end of a very busy work week. On one hand, I am grateful to be busy as it is a sign of job security and that is good. On the other hand, I am completely exhausted.
I am grateful for going to bed early on a Friday Night. Heck, I remember about 10 years ago, I would be just getting ready to go out. Woohoo, Party!!!
I am grateful for the contagious nature of yawns. It is interesting to see the relationship between humans and other animals. My dog just yawned, and I happened to hear it, so I yawned. I actually just yawned again writing about this so I better stop. Let me know if you yawned reading this section.
Hey... did you hear that the Catholic Church officially ended limbo after thousands of years? I thought they would have ended a lot sooner than now. I mean, look at the pope and the cardinals, I bet none of them could get under that limbo bar. Next on the list... Chicken Dance.
I am grateful for going to bed early on a Friday Night. Heck, I remember about 10 years ago, I would be just getting ready to go out. Woohoo, Party!!!
I am grateful for the contagious nature of yawns. It is interesting to see the relationship between humans and other animals. My dog just yawned, and I happened to hear it, so I yawned. I actually just yawned again writing about this so I better stop. Let me know if you yawned reading this section.
Hey... did you hear that the Catholic Church officially ended limbo after thousands of years? I thought they would have ended a lot sooner than now. I mean, look at the pope and the cardinals, I bet none of them could get under that limbo bar. Next on the list... Chicken Dance.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Deep Thoughts
Jack Handy
Today I am grateful for my brother, Tim. He hasn't always been the best brother, especially when growing up. I didn't like him at all for the longest time. But over the last 10 years or so, my brother has changed. Yeah, he still not perfect, but he is my brother and the best one I will ever have. He has realized how the first 25 years of his life did not go down the right road, and changed course. He has made a conscious effort to try not to live off of my mom. Helps my sister and her children. He has befriended me and Nicole and we love to hang with him now. He has become a third parent to my other sister's two sons. He's just great, and I am so very proud to call him my brother.
Have you ever been totally busted staring at someone. Not just someone catching you looking or catching a glimpse, but a full-on gawking stare. Something like a complete stalker would do. There nothing you can do. You just have to come out of the gaze, and walk away in shame. There are typically two reasons to stare at someone.
1. Major hotness.
2. Major Freak (i.e. two heads, hump, third breast)
So the next time you find someone staring at you. Think back to this and see if you can determine which group you are in. Personally, I am a major freak. And I like it.
Jack Handy
Today I am grateful for my brother, Tim. He hasn't always been the best brother, especially when growing up. I didn't like him at all for the longest time. But over the last 10 years or so, my brother has changed. Yeah, he still not perfect, but he is my brother and the best one I will ever have. He has realized how the first 25 years of his life did not go down the right road, and changed course. He has made a conscious effort to try not to live off of my mom. Helps my sister and her children. He has befriended me and Nicole and we love to hang with him now. He has become a third parent to my other sister's two sons. He's just great, and I am so very proud to call him my brother.
Have you ever been totally busted staring at someone. Not just someone catching you looking or catching a glimpse, but a full-on gawking stare. Something like a complete stalker would do. There nothing you can do. You just have to come out of the gaze, and walk away in shame. There are typically two reasons to stare at someone.
1. Major hotness.
2. Major Freak (i.e. two heads, hump, third breast)
So the next time you find someone staring at you. Think back to this and see if you can determine which group you are in. Personally, I am a major freak. And I like it.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Hump Day
Why do they call it hump day, when most people have sex on the weekends?
Today I am grateful for it just being Wednesday. The work week is half over. It was a little cold but still pleasant. Tomorrow is a long day, but then Friday... Yeah!
I am grateful that Sarah is so active inside Nicole's belly. I get to feel her move often and because of a classmate of Nicole's, I get to hear her heartbeat too. It's got a nice rhythm and I can dance to it, so I give it a 7.
I am grateful for my co-workers. I informed one person of my Blog/Glog/Flog and soon several knew and were asking for the URL. I like that I have made friends there and hopefully we will start hanging out outside of work. That would soooo rock. We work in an environment where everyone calls and tells us what is wrong and how we keep a good atmosphere is amazing.
I keep hearing from people that I should enjoy my sleep now because when Sarah gets here, there goes my sleep. HA! I have a beagle that gets up every three hours and whines and moans until you take her out to pee, poop, or eat. If Nicole or I don't get up, the dog will pee or poop on the floor. We been dealing with that for two years. I don't think a baby is going to be much different. The baby will probably be cuter and smell better most of the time though. I just hope we can get them on the same schedule.
Today I am grateful for it just being Wednesday. The work week is half over. It was a little cold but still pleasant. Tomorrow is a long day, but then Friday... Yeah!
I am grateful that Sarah is so active inside Nicole's belly. I get to feel her move often and because of a classmate of Nicole's, I get to hear her heartbeat too. It's got a nice rhythm and I can dance to it, so I give it a 7.
I am grateful for my co-workers. I informed one person of my Blog/Glog/Flog and soon several knew and were asking for the URL. I like that I have made friends there and hopefully we will start hanging out outside of work. That would soooo rock. We work in an environment where everyone calls and tells us what is wrong and how we keep a good atmosphere is amazing.
I keep hearing from people that I should enjoy my sleep now because when Sarah gets here, there goes my sleep. HA! I have a beagle that gets up every three hours and whines and moans until you take her out to pee, poop, or eat. If Nicole or I don't get up, the dog will pee or poop on the floor. We been dealing with that for two years. I don't think a baby is going to be much different. The baby will probably be cuter and smell better most of the time though. I just hope we can get them on the same schedule.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Spring is back
Today I am grateful for the weather. Started off cold, but turned into a perfect day. It is a shame that I was stuck at work and teaching. Oh well.
I am also grateful for driving. Having the windows down and a good song on and the wind whipping through the car. Nothing like it. Reminds me of when I was a kid and would stick my arm out the window and pretend it was flying. Did it again for old times sake.
I am grateful for my last lecture. Only 3 more classes to go. I enjoy the summer so much as it seems that I get to relax and am not pulled in so many directions.
I am also grateful for my support group. I get to meet with several friends in a subsequent pregnancy after a infant loss group. Pretty particular, but a great group of people who share with Nicole and I something so personal that most cannot relate.
Finally, I am grateful that most people can't relate to what Nicole and I have gone through and hope that no one else will ever be able to relate even though that isn't possible.
Speaking of driving... Have you noticed lately when people are turning left or right, they somehow feel the need to swing the car out before turning in the opposite direction. What is this? It's not like the Indy 500 or something. You are going 25 in a Volvo, you don't swing out to make the turn; I'm pretty sure she'll hold.
News Flash: Turn signals aren't just a reminder for the driver which way he's going. New technology has allowed for other people to know what you are intending to do when you use them.
I am also grateful for driving. Having the windows down and a good song on and the wind whipping through the car. Nothing like it. Reminds me of when I was a kid and would stick my arm out the window and pretend it was flying. Did it again for old times sake.
I am grateful for my last lecture. Only 3 more classes to go. I enjoy the summer so much as it seems that I get to relax and am not pulled in so many directions.
I am also grateful for my support group. I get to meet with several friends in a subsequent pregnancy after a infant loss group. Pretty particular, but a great group of people who share with Nicole and I something so personal that most cannot relate.
Finally, I am grateful that most people can't relate to what Nicole and I have gone through and hope that no one else will ever be able to relate even though that isn't possible.
Speaking of driving... Have you noticed lately when people are turning left or right, they somehow feel the need to swing the car out before turning in the opposite direction. What is this? It's not like the Indy 500 or something. You are going 25 in a Volvo, you don't swing out to make the turn; I'm pretty sure she'll hold.
News Flash: Turn signals aren't just a reminder for the driver which way he's going. New technology has allowed for other people to know what you are intending to do when you use them.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Come Monday
it'll be all right. Come Monday, I'll be holdin' you tight. I spent four lonely days in a brown L. A. haze and I just want you back by my side.
Today I am grateful for Spring. It is finally back and feels oh so good. The smells of spring make me breath a sigh of relief that hopefully winter is over. Don't get me wrong, by the end of summer, I will be looking forward to winter.
I am grateful that school is nearing its end. Both for me as a teacher and Nicole as a student. She will be graduating with an Associates degree in Nursing. That is so hot. I understand it is a complete Oedipus complex being that my mother is a nurse, but it is my complex and not yours.
The bad part about the end of school, especially for me, is that I stop caring about teaching and just want it to end. Thus, I will start to procrastinate terribly which brings me to the Flog part.
Have you ever procastibated? Procrastibating is the combination of procrastinating and masturbating. For example, you have a paper to write for school or work or something. You are staring at a blank screen and nothing is entering your mind. You need to focus on something else for a bit. Open up the web browser and start surfing. By the time you get to the second Internet site you know of, you are looking at porn. Then your mind really starts working. Heck, I got nothing better to do right now. So you go at it and 3 minutes later, you are relaxed and more focused on completing the job at hand. By that, I mean the paper.
Today I am grateful for Spring. It is finally back and feels oh so good. The smells of spring make me breath a sigh of relief that hopefully winter is over. Don't get me wrong, by the end of summer, I will be looking forward to winter.
I am grateful that school is nearing its end. Both for me as a teacher and Nicole as a student. She will be graduating with an Associates degree in Nursing. That is so hot. I understand it is a complete Oedipus complex being that my mother is a nurse, but it is my complex and not yours.
The bad part about the end of school, especially for me, is that I stop caring about teaching and just want it to end. Thus, I will start to procrastinate terribly which brings me to the Flog part.
Have you ever procastibated? Procrastibating is the combination of procrastinating and masturbating. For example, you have a paper to write for school or work or something. You are staring at a blank screen and nothing is entering your mind. You need to focus on something else for a bit. Open up the web browser and start surfing. By the time you get to the second Internet site you know of, you are looking at porn. Then your mind really starts working. Heck, I got nothing better to do right now. So you go at it and 3 minutes later, you are relaxed and more focused on completing the job at hand. By that, I mean the paper.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Catch Up Day
Today I am grateful that I can take a day or two off of my Glog/Blog/Flog. I had a very busy weekend with 3 different parties on Saturday. By the way, I am turning a new phrase. A Flog is a funny blog.
I am grateful for babies, like the baby shower we went to. I am grateful for Family, even though they aren't blood related, they are family and I enjoyed a 60th birthday party. I am also grateful for friends, like my friend Tom whose birthday is on the 18th and we started partying early.
I heard from Tony today. I am proud of him for graduating with a Bachelor's degree, turning 40, and already talking about becoming a lawyer or getting his Master's degree. Way to go. Looking forward to the party and celebrating with him.
I noticed on Saturday the funny differences between gift wrapping. Some have the thought process that anything worth getting must be worked for. So the box is wrapped like its being shipped by the USO to troops. Then the box is taped shut as well as the wrapping paper. And no, it won't be scotch tape. It will be more like packing tape. You know the kind you gotta cut with a razor blade. Then there is the tissue paper. The gift is wrapped all over again. With more tape and hell sometimes I expect to see a padlock or some sort of retina scan. Gee Whiz, people, calm down.
Inevitably, the person that needs to carefully open everything will get these gifts. These gift openers must moonlight as bomb technicians. Out come the scalpel and nothing can be ripped. Heck we may be able to use this again. My god, the tissue paper is 99 cents for a 100 sheets of the stuff, go wild.
Me personally, you are lucky to get a gift bag. 9 times out of 10 it is a gift card stuck in the card and I don't even have the strength to lick the envelope. You may get a paper cut or something and I am not going to risk personal injury for your birthday. I like you and everything, that is why you take the card and the $25 gift card and be happy.
I am grateful for babies, like the baby shower we went to. I am grateful for Family, even though they aren't blood related, they are family and I enjoyed a 60th birthday party. I am also grateful for friends, like my friend Tom whose birthday is on the 18th and we started partying early.
I heard from Tony today. I am proud of him for graduating with a Bachelor's degree, turning 40, and already talking about becoming a lawyer or getting his Master's degree. Way to go. Looking forward to the party and celebrating with him.
I noticed on Saturday the funny differences between gift wrapping. Some have the thought process that anything worth getting must be worked for. So the box is wrapped like its being shipped by the USO to troops. Then the box is taped shut as well as the wrapping paper. And no, it won't be scotch tape. It will be more like packing tape. You know the kind you gotta cut with a razor blade. Then there is the tissue paper. The gift is wrapped all over again. With more tape and hell sometimes I expect to see a padlock or some sort of retina scan. Gee Whiz, people, calm down.
Inevitably, the person that needs to carefully open everything will get these gifts. These gift openers must moonlight as bomb technicians. Out come the scalpel and nothing can be ripped. Heck we may be able to use this again. My god, the tissue paper is 99 cents for a 100 sheets of the stuff, go wild.
Me personally, you are lucky to get a gift bag. 9 times out of 10 it is a gift card stuck in the card and I don't even have the strength to lick the envelope. You may get a paper cut or something and I am not going to risk personal injury for your birthday. I like you and everything, that is why you take the card and the $25 gift card and be happy.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Take it easy Thursday
Today I am grateful for PTO (Paid Time Off). I had a sore throat this morning and did not want to push it. I was able to not go to work, sleep in, cancel class, and hopefully not get sicker.
I am grateful for Evite. A great place to send out invitations. I have sent out mine for my Stand-Up premier. If you did not get an invite and would like one, let me know.
I am again grateful for Nicole. She is my everything and I am so proud of her. Our dog had a seizure today and to watch her comfort the dog while she was going through it... Amazing.
Found out today that Anna Nicole's baby's daddy is Larry Birkhead. Damn, I had Mr. Roper in the pool. I know he was a long shot, but I knew she likes the older men. Watching Larry Birkhead clips on TV makes me long for the days of Kato Kaelin. Now that man knew how to milk his 15 minutes of fame.
I am grateful for Evite. A great place to send out invitations. I have sent out mine for my Stand-Up premier. If you did not get an invite and would like one, let me know.
I am again grateful for Nicole. She is my everything and I am so proud of her. Our dog had a seizure today and to watch her comfort the dog while she was going through it... Amazing.
Found out today that Anna Nicole's baby's daddy is Larry Birkhead. Damn, I had Mr. Roper in the pool. I know he was a long shot, but I knew she likes the older men. Watching Larry Birkhead clips on TV makes me long for the days of Kato Kaelin. Now that man knew how to milk his 15 minutes of fame.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wacky Wednesday
Today I am grateful for the upcoming sleep that I will be getting. A late night and an early morning aren't good combos. Good combos are the pizza filled pretzel ones.
I am grateful for technology. Today I saw my daughter Sarah Elizabeth again. She is 3lb. 4oz. and has a big foot (just like momma). I heard her heartbeat which makes my spirit soar.
I am grateful for good karma. I found out today that our friends Andy and Jennifer had their twins last week. Henry and Eleanor were over 5lbs. each. They have had multiple losses and deserve all the happiness and lack of sleep the two will bring.
I was watching American Idol tonight and noticed Sanjaya was not voted off again. He is the Indian kid who has a lot of charm and not very much talent. All that I can figure is that I feel sorry for anyone calling for technical support for the two hours after American Idol as they all must be calling in and voting for Sanjaya.
I am grateful for technology. Today I saw my daughter Sarah Elizabeth again. She is 3lb. 4oz. and has a big foot (just like momma). I heard her heartbeat which makes my spirit soar.
I am grateful for good karma. I found out today that our friends Andy and Jennifer had their twins last week. Henry and Eleanor were over 5lbs. each. They have had multiple losses and deserve all the happiness and lack of sleep the two will bring.
I was watching American Idol tonight and noticed Sanjaya was not voted off again. He is the Indian kid who has a lot of charm and not very much talent. All that I can figure is that I feel sorry for anyone calling for technical support for the two hours after American Idol as they all must be calling in and voting for Sanjaya.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Two For Tuesday
Today I am grateful for how full my life is. I have friends, family, a loving wife, a baby on the way, a good job, a good life.
I am grateful for good neighbors. We left the garage door open and our neighbors called to make sure we were okay. Very thoughtful.
I am amazed at the strength of the comedians I saw tonight. Not all were funny but to get up there and talk for 3 or 6 minutes in front of a room of strangers all at an attempt to make them laugh. Very curageous.
My first stand-up comedy night will be May 15th. Doors open at 8 and the 90 minute show starts at 8:30. A coupon for two free admissions is available here... There is a two item minimum. Come on out and support brave souls trying to make people laugh.
The one thing I realized was is how amatuer comedy is ver similar to the first time I had sex. It was akward. I didn't know what I was doing. I kept saying the wrong things. I was sweaty and probably didn't look suave. It was over in about 3 to 6 minutes. And I was alone.
I am grateful for good neighbors. We left the garage door open and our neighbors called to make sure we were okay. Very thoughtful.
I am amazed at the strength of the comedians I saw tonight. Not all were funny but to get up there and talk for 3 or 6 minutes in front of a room of strangers all at an attempt to make them laugh. Very curageous.
My first stand-up comedy night will be May 15th. Doors open at 8 and the 90 minute show starts at 8:30. A coupon for two free admissions is available here... There is a two item minimum. Come on out and support brave souls trying to make people laugh.
The one thing I realized was is how amatuer comedy is ver similar to the first time I had sex. It was akward. I didn't know what I was doing. I kept saying the wrong things. I was sweaty and probably didn't look suave. It was over in about 3 to 6 minutes. And I was alone.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Just another Manic Monday
Wish it was Sunday. That's my fun day. I don't have to run day. Just another Manic Monday.
Bangles Rock.
Today I am grateful for my job. I receive calls all day for help resolving their problems. I am grateful that I am able to help, but mostly that I have come to a realization that they are not my problems. That realization has significantly reduced my stress level.
I am also grateful for the courtesy most people still show and that I try to show everyday. It's the little things like holding a door open, allowing someone to merge, and smiling at each other. If we all did little things for each other... Oh the big things we can accomplish.
Joyful anticipation of going to the comedy club tomorrow night. Not to perform, but to see others and sign up to realize a dream of mine for some time.
Did you ever notice car commercials talk about their used cars being a fraction of the cost of their new cars. Isn't everything a fraction. Whether it is 1/2 off or 5/4 the price (that would be more expensive for you non-math people). It's like saying there is a fraction of a chance the sun will rise tomorrow. Well duh.
Bangles Rock.
Today I am grateful for my job. I receive calls all day for help resolving their problems. I am grateful that I am able to help, but mostly that I have come to a realization that they are not my problems. That realization has significantly reduced my stress level.
I am also grateful for the courtesy most people still show and that I try to show everyday. It's the little things like holding a door open, allowing someone to merge, and smiling at each other. If we all did little things for each other... Oh the big things we can accomplish.
Joyful anticipation of going to the comedy club tomorrow night. Not to perform, but to see others and sign up to realize a dream of mine for some time.
Did you ever notice car commercials talk about their used cars being a fraction of the cost of their new cars. Isn't everything a fraction. Whether it is 1/2 off or 5/4 the price (that would be more expensive for you non-math people). It's like saying there is a fraction of a chance the sun will rise tomorrow. Well duh.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Easy like Sunday morning
I am grateful today for my family. Being told by strangers how great my mom is when I already knew. Spending time with my two moms and enjoying an Easter lunch.
Why didn't Jesus put the stone back when he left the cave after rising from the dead.
He was born in a barn.
I am also grateful for my wife. The companionship she offers and how we can be together all day and enjoy it thoroughly. Enjoying her sense of humor.
Always commercial stated "Have a happy period." Guess what... If you are trying to get pregnant, the person that tells you to have a happy period can take a flying leap. (That is funny.)
The simplicity of SSH and Apache and appreciating how it just works on Linux. (That's for you, Craig)
Why didn't Jesus put the stone back when he left the cave after rising from the dead.
He was born in a barn.
I am also grateful for my wife. The companionship she offers and how we can be together all day and enjoy it thoroughly. Enjoying her sense of humor.
Always commercial stated "Have a happy period." Guess what... If you are trying to get pregnant, the person that tells you to have a happy period can take a flying leap. (That is funny.)
The simplicity of SSH and Apache and appreciating how it just works on Linux. (That's for you, Craig)
Saturday, April 7, 2007
First Blog
I am inspired by my friends Craig and Michelle. Knowing that remembering and cherishing the good things are what makes you a good person and life is too short to let the bad things change us.
I am frightened of the future because it may hurt, but am hopeful as it can bring so much joy.
I am honored that I can spend my life with my best friend Nicole and am joyed at her flexing her independence in joining Michelle at the Womyn's Camp over Mother's Day weekend.
Check out my favorites list. It will be added to and a different topic monthly.
More to come... some of it will be funny too.
I am frightened of the future because it may hurt, but am hopeful as it can bring so much joy.
I am honored that I can spend my life with my best friend Nicole and am joyed at her flexing her independence in joining Michelle at the Womyn's Camp over Mother's Day weekend.
Check out my favorites list. It will be added to and a different topic monthly.
More to come... some of it will be funny too.
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