Saturday, May 26, 2007


Reunited and it feels so good. I took the last week off as I was on-call at my work. Being on-call makes me available via cell phone 24/7 and they take advantage of that. If I was not on my cell phone I was not near a computer so I didn't make any entries. Sorry about that. I am grateful to Nicole for taking care of me during that week.

Today I am grateful for things coming together. Nicole and I finally have a date for Sarah's arrival. June 14th. Everything is scheduled including my time off. I am grateful for that too. I think Nicole and I are going to relax the day before and go to a spa. Manicures and facials for both. Nicole will get a pedicure. I am looking for a relaxation massage. Nicole says I can't get a happy ending but I am still hopeful.

Happy Endings to you all..

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