Big Baby...
Sarah had a little bit of a rough start. Her blood sugar levels were low so the nurses tried to feed her. Apparently they fed her too much and she had some tummy issues. Because of that, she was admitted to the NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit). She was give an IV of dextrose (sugar water) to keep her blood sugar normal so they did not have to feed her as often. In the last 24 hours she has been on the IV. Now they have taken her off and are just watching her. If everything goes well, and it will, Mom, Sarah, and I will be going home on Father's Day. It's the best present ever.
FYI... the NICU is not necessarily a bad place. They have two places for babies, 1. In the room with parents or the nursery if they are completely healthy and 2. the NICU. NICU babies range from a little something to very sick babies. Sarah was a little something. Everytime I tell someone that she is in the NICU, people think the worst and that is not the case. We are all doing well. Just wanted to send this out so that everyone knows. Below are pictures.