Thursday, August 30, 2007


Today I am grateful for Grandma. She passed on this morning and while sad, she has brought so much happiness in my life that I wanted to list what I was grateful for.

I am grateful for her craftiness. She made everything from dolls, to quilts and I am glad to have so many of her items in my home.

I am grateful for her playfulness. I played so many games with Grandma like Old Maid or Go Fish and those are some of the happiest memories I have.

I am grateful for her iron will. This was the toughest old bird you would ever want to meet. She mowed her own yard (2 acres) until she was 92. She did not need Air Conditioning, Central Heat, or any modern conveniences.

I am grateful that she met Sarah. Although Sarah will not remember, I have pictures and I will remember.

I am grateful for her "garden". Nearly 1 acre of corn, squash, tomatoes, and all sorts of vegetables that she grew every year.

I am grateful for her being my Grandma. I will always love her and never forget her.

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