Thursday, August 30, 2007


Today I am grateful for Grandma. She passed on this morning and while sad, she has brought so much happiness in my life that I wanted to list what I was grateful for.

I am grateful for her craftiness. She made everything from dolls, to quilts and I am glad to have so many of her items in my home.

I am grateful for her playfulness. I played so many games with Grandma like Old Maid or Go Fish and those are some of the happiest memories I have.

I am grateful for her iron will. This was the toughest old bird you would ever want to meet. She mowed her own yard (2 acres) until she was 92. She did not need Air Conditioning, Central Heat, or any modern conveniences.

I am grateful that she met Sarah. Although Sarah will not remember, I have pictures and I will remember.

I am grateful for her "garden". Nearly 1 acre of corn, squash, tomatoes, and all sorts of vegetables that she grew every year.

I am grateful for her being my Grandma. I will always love her and never forget her.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Today I am grateful for football. While some may not be into the sport, it has brought joy into my life in many ways. It makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger than myself when rooting for my favorite team (Colts).

Football has also kept me in touch with many friends from old jobs and start friendships at my current job. I play fantasy football, where you pick football players and they get points for the things that they do. After the week is over, if your football players have more points than the person you are playing against, you win.

It's also makes the football games more interesting in the same way that gambling does. Except no broken legs when you don't pay Vinny.

This year Nicole has joined me in fantasy football. I am proud of her for trying something new. Also we get to do something together that is not baby related and hopefully that will bring us even closer together.

But not too close as if we get much closer together, we will merge into one super-human couple able to give people cavities with our sweetness.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Safe Journeys

And no, I don't mean Steve Perry with a seat belt.

Today I am grateful for old friends coming home from a wonderful, exciting journey and planning a few journeys of my own.

I am grateful for smiles, farts, and spit-ups. When Nicole does these things, it is sooo cute. (Just Kidding)

I am grateful for Nicole branching out and joining me in Fantasy Football. Looking forward to doing something new together.

I am grateful for Life. I personally like the older version, and paydays are the best.

I am grateful for Shelly. She has encouraged (ahem... pushed, threatened, forced) me to set another comedy date. I will let y'all know shortly but it will be a Tuesday in October. Thanks Shelly ;)

I was thinking of an old game I used to play at work... Grab Ass. It goes off of the concept that normally you are not supposed to grab someone's butt at work as that may be Sexual Harassment. But oddly enough, football players do that all the time. The only difference is that they say "Good Game!". Thus Grab Ass is born. You can grab all the butt you want at work as long as you say "Good Game". Then it is not Sexual Harassment... it's a game.

To all my friends out there... Game On!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Old friends... and new ones

Today I am grateful for friends. I spent the weekend with some old friends from college. We went out to the Neon Cactus in West Lafayette (apparently no longer country bar). We hung out, we drank, and we had a great time. Then we went to a hole in the wall bar in Lafayette called Cox's. When I heard we were going to Cox's and did not know the spelling, I was nervous. Apparently it is a Karaoke Bar. When I found out it was a Karaoke bar, I was really scared then. I sang Baby Got Back and WKRP in Cincinnati. I also ran into another friend, Michelle Bryant, and made a new friend Mary. These two lovely ladies made our night. If you have never done Karaoke in a small town bar, you are missing out.

Friends are such an important part of my life. Old ones, new ones, just friends makes life enjoyable. I am already looking forward to seeing different friends on Friday and welcoming a friend home from a long journey.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Getting used to life

Today I am grateful for a return or at least devoloping a new normal. Currently sitting on the couch watching TV, watching Nicole, and watching Sarah. We are getting into a routine. Nicole is feeling human again. Sarah is starting to smile.

Life is good.

I am also grateful for my job. I am currently working on my new position in the organization as a Technical Trainer for the Tech Support department. It is very exciting as I will be paid for doing what I love to do which is to teach.

I am also grateful for friends returning home. See ya soon Shelly.

Finally, I am grateful for planning. Nicole and I are planning a trip to Florida in late October to see family and a good friend we did not get a chance to see in Muncie. I love that ironman of mine.